Monday, September 7, 2009

Novena to Fr. Bruno Lanteri

NOVENA TO VEN. FR. LANTERI(Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary) in preparation for the celebration of the titular Feast of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary on September 12, feast of the HOLY NAME OF MARY.

O Father, fountain of all life and holiness You gave Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri great faith in Christ, your Son, a lively hope, and an active love for the salvation of his brethren. You made him a prophet of your Word and a witness to Your Mercy. He had a tender love for Mary and by his very life he taught fidelity to the Church. Father, hear the prayer of Your family and through the intercession of Fr. Lanteri, grant us the grace for which we now ask…

May he be glorified on earth that we may give greater praise. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. please pray for a successful therapy session with me and my son on oct 6.
