The following passages are taken from the Diary of St. Faustina and they refer to her visions of Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. Very interesting.
"...I saw two roads. One was broad, covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell. And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them. And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings" (Diary 153).
" Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell. It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is! The kinds of tortures I saw: the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God; the second is perpetual remorse of conscience; the third is that one’s condition will never change; the fourth is the fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it, a terrible suffering, since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God’s anger; the fifth torture is conditional darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own; the sixth torture is the constant company of satan, the seventh torture is horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies. These are the tortures suffered by all the damned together, but that is not the end of the sufferings. There are special tortures destined for particular souls. These are the torments of the senses. Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings, related to the manner in which it has sinned. There are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. I would have died at the very sight of these tortures if the omnipotence of God had not supported me. Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin. I am writing this at the command of God, so that no soul may find an excuse by saying there is no hell, or that nobody has ever been there, and so no one can say what it is like. I, sister Faustina, by the order of God, have visited the abysses of hell so that I might tell souls about it and testify to its existence. I cannot speak about it now; but I have received a command from God to leave it in writing. The devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God. What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: that most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell. When I came to, I could hardly recover from the fright. How terribly souls suffer there! Consequently, I pray even more fervently for the conversion of sinners. I incessantly plead God’s mercy upon them. O my Jesus, I would rather be in agony until the end of the world, amidst the greatest sufferings, then offend You by the least sin. (Diary 741).
"...I saw two roads. One was broad, covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell. And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them. And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings" (Diary 153).
" Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell. It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is! The kinds of tortures I saw: the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God; the second is perpetual remorse of conscience; the third is that one’s condition will never change; the fourth is the fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it, a terrible suffering, since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God’s anger; the fifth torture is conditional darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own; the sixth torture is the constant company of satan, the seventh torture is horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies. These are the tortures suffered by all the damned together, but that is not the end of the sufferings. There are special tortures destined for particular souls. These are the torments of the senses. Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings, related to the manner in which it has sinned. There are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. I would have died at the very sight of these tortures if the omnipotence of God had not supported me. Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin. I am writing this at the command of God, so that no soul may find an excuse by saying there is no hell, or that nobody has ever been there, and so no one can say what it is like. I, sister Faustina, by the order of God, have visited the abysses of hell so that I might tell souls about it and testify to its existence. I cannot speak about it now; but I have received a command from God to leave it in writing. The devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God. What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: that most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell. When I came to, I could hardly recover from the fright. How terribly souls suffer there! Consequently, I pray even more fervently for the conversion of sinners. I incessantly plead God’s mercy upon them. O my Jesus, I would rather be in agony until the end of the world, amidst the greatest sufferings, then offend You by the least sin. (Diary 741).
" ...I saw my Guardian Angel, who ordered me to follow him. In a moment I was in a misty place full of fire in which there was a great crowd of suffering souls. They were praying fervently, but to no avail, for themselves; only we can come to their aid. The flames, which were burning them, did not touch me at all. My Guardian Angel did not leave me for an instant. I asked these souls what their greatest suffering was. They answered me in one voice that their greatest torment was longing for God. I saw Our Lady visiting the souls in Purgatory. The souls call Her “The Star of the Sea”. She brings them refreshment. I wanted to talk with them some more, but my Guardian Angel beckoned me to leave. We went out of that prison of suffering. [I heard an interior voice which said] ‘My mercy does not want this, but justice demands it. Since that time, I am in closer communion with the suffering souls.’” (Diary, 20)
" November 27, 1936. Today I was in heaven, in spirit, and I saw its unconceivable beauties and the happiness that awaits us after death. I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God. I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures, making them happy; and then all the glory and praise which springs from this happiness returns to its source; and they enter into the depths of God, contemplating the inner life of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whom they will never comprehend or fathom. This source of happiness is unchanging in its essence, but it is always new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures. Now I understand Saint Paul, who said, “Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, not has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him.” And God has given me to understand that there is but one thing that is of infinite value in His eyes, and that is love of God; love, love and once again, love; and nothing can compare with a single act of pure love of God. Oh, with what inconceivable favors God gifts a soul that loves Him sincerely! Oh, how happy is the soul who already here on earth enjoys His special favors! And of such are the little and humble souls. The sight of this great majesty of God, which I came to understand more profoundly and which is worshipped by the heavenly spirits according to their degree of grace and the hierarchies into which they are divided, did not cause my soul to be stricken with terror or fear; no, no, not at all! My soul was filled with peace and love, and the more I come to know the greatness of God, the more joyful I become that He is as He is. And I rejoice immensely in His greatness and am delighted that I am so little because, since I am little, He carries me in His arms and holds me close to His Heart. O my God, how I pity those people who do not believe in eternal life; how I pray for them that a ray of mercy would envelop them too, and that God would clasp them to His fatherly bosom... "
How stirring these glimpses of the afterlife are! Truly God desires to disperse His Mercy through these words until the end of the world! I wonder how many thousands of souls have already been saved by them...and how many continue to be saved through their rereading.
ReplyDeleteOh, to be able to love Him as we ought!!
God, grant us the grace!
What some baby comments!!!
Deleteblessed st. faustina
DeleteTwenty years ago I had a dream an angel took me to a dividing line. One side was bright and the other was total darkness devoid of any light. Within that darkness I heard loud shrieks and screams and diverse levels of agonizing cries from loud to whimpers. The angel explained they are crying from the lack of God's love they know it is out there, it said hell is the lack of love in total darkness eternally. The one 's crying the loudest have just arrived and the low level whimpers have been there for quite sometime. The angel then said you know how long eternity is? And I awoke
DeleteI believe that true hell is the knowledge that God exists, has a plan for us, and, through deciding to ignore all of His message in this mortal life, the very absense of God in eternal life is the very essence of hell. 0
DeletePeace be with the beloved of the Lord
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNah, the true hell will be when you die and go there if you don't repent and do penances with the short time you have left.
DeleteI have always be intrigued by the visions of heaven and hell as reported. Several months ago I had a dream or vision that I was falling into blackness. I seemed to fall for a long time and felt the panic in doing so. Finally I stop, landing on my feet. Absolute quietness and blackness surrounded me--then the extreme feeling of dread despair, emptiness and aloneness overcame me. I sensed God had left my soul It was the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I will never forget it! I believe I was in hell or at its door. Thankfully I awoke, and I hope I never experience that feeling ever again.
DeleteSlaytan, why so angry? Are you scared of the truth?
DeleteA person who refers to them self as Slaytan in my opinion is in desperate need of prayers for his or her repentance. Jesus does not send people to hell, they choose not to believe, thus putting themselves in this eternal place of torture.
DeleteA person who refers to them self as Slaytan in my opinion is in desperate need of prayers for his or her repentance. Jesus does not send people to hell, they choose not to believe, thus putting themselves in this eternal place of torture.
DeleteCalling someone worthless be he a believer or not is not the way of Christ. He still made in the image and likeness of God as we all are. A harden heart is only fixed by the Holy Spirit and we should pray for the conversion of sinners as St. Faustina says. There is a verse in the bible that says every word and deed will be judged by God. Instead of responding with your ego, try using the Holy Spirit that lives with-in you. By the way, to the Christians that responded in a negative way. Presumption of Gods mercy is also a sin. Your negative responses just might get u a ticket to hell. Be careful what u say.
DeleteThanks for the talk at my parish :)
ReplyDeleteI love the part when she followed her guardian angel. :-)
ReplyDeletethank god that st faustina has shown us proof of gods infinite mercy for all us. thru her visions we have hope and believe that good will always prevail! amen amen
DeleteI don't need false apparitions to believe in God and Lord Jesus Christ redemptive act on the cross and resurrection. you are not suppose to believe anyone but Scriptures. Holy Bible that is not some made up stories that contradict Bible words.
DeleteThanks for posting Sr. Faustina's diary- a great eye opener for those who do not believe that there is hell. I feel sad that many Christians still take for granted God's infinite mercy... time is running short.
ReplyDeleteWe must all repent our sins and work towards our own family and friend's conversion, before it is too late.
Delete,,,a m e n !
DeleteAmen! We need to care about all souls, including our brothers and sisters in Christ (The prophet as a watchmen - Book of Ezekiel).
Deleteyeah hell is no joke, thanks be to God for St. Faustina assuring us that we are to follow the narrow path that leads to heaven. sounds like people should give up long walks on the beach and dancing. ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt's a scary revelation.
ReplyDeleteI agree but not everyone has that reaction. Since her vision moved you maybe some of the information at www.4kingdoms.com will also move you.
I wish that my brother would give up his evil ways while there is time to do so. He s been living in the past so long with hate and anger its his way of everyday life. Little does he know time is getting short every day and should take advantage of penance! out of several children born to my parents he was truly the worse! Nothing good reaches him only his sinful thinking ways. I pray for his conversion soon because he s very stubborn but GOD is more stubborn. amen to all
DeleteI am thankful to Jesus Christ for letting us know what to expect at the end of our lives.
ReplyDeleteIt will make us more faithful and prayerful to the love of God. We will pray for those souls who do not know of this mystery.
thanks God for giving us St Faustina..
ReplyDeletelet us all in the grace of god remember the poor souls in purgatory to pray for them ! some day we will meet those for whom we prayed for ! and have many friends in heaven to thank us all-it only takes a little pray ever now and then ' so please open up your hearts to those souls in need of help! amen may god and will bless you always!
DeleteWhat I find hard to believe is why the Church has not been energetic in promoting St Faustina's visions of Hell. As far back as 1917 it was granted to mankind to see Hell, this time through the eyes of the children at Fatima.
ReplyDeleteThe time is now for the Church throughout the world to give mankind a "siren call" about the reality and magnitude of eternal damnation
Satan has entered the church at it's highest levels. We need to pray that these people are exposed by God and removed from the church.
Deletei wonder why the evangelical do not beleive in the purgotary ? allthough saint faustina did talk about it ... but this is not important . the important is to follow the path ...
ReplyDeletein some letters of the virgin mary ( in fatima i guess ) our lady told us that the devil is willing to make a battle against her ( mary ) so guess this war is starting to take action because we can see how some christians do not beleive in anything she is doing for us her children ... anyway Mary my mother is already the winner because she is standing on his head ... :)
DeleteAmen! May Mary keep praying for us
DeleteSt Theresa of Avila also gives a very useful description of the tortures of Hell that gives good inspiration to follow Gods laws " The Collected Works Of Theresa of Avila -Volume 1 , Ch 32." Vince B
ReplyDeleteLet us prepare ourselves during this lenten season to wear the protective gear of God Almighty and fight Satan and his demons by following the will of God in each and everything. Let us pray to Him and ask Him to guide us into the eternal kingdom prepared for us. The moment we decide to fight the sensual world, remember you have signalled your intentions to the evil world and therefore, be prepared to encounter evil on a daily basis. Yes, it is a battle... praise God Almighty to give us the power to defeat our unseen enemy!
ReplyDeleteThis gives me the courage to serve God more and be able to bring Jesus especially to those who do not know Him. Shine Jesus Shine and may He shine on me at all times for people I meet to see especially my family. May God be praised. And honor to our Blessed Mother. AMEN.
DeleteI cannot even begin to imagine the joy in heaven because sometimes the joy of just being in prayer is great so much as at times it brings me to tears because of the love I feel. Heaven would leave me breathless!
ReplyDeleteHell has been described by the saints in such similar but unique ways. Similar such as the smell of sulfer and the darkness and thick air which makes it hard to breathe. Sufferings of all different kinds in different areas, according to greatness of sins. I could never even bear the thought of looking at it much less
being there. Thanks be to God for allowing these blessed saints to have had the agony to visit (or pleasure if heaven) to give us mortals the tools to believe and to guide us in the right path.
Purgatory I know is the place for prepping our souls to be cleaned from the residue of our sins; being that we are saved but need the residual effect of what the sin did removed.
I am not too familiar with how it is. I know of the fire but not if there is some other form of
removal or all may be the same for everyone, except the length of time. So, if that is the case, then it goes without saying that we all must make it a point to pray for the souls everyday.
Thank you for showing these visions of St. Fautina. I pray that she will pray for us and may Jesus have Mercy on us always!
I am so fearful of purgatory and hell.I used to not believe in hell.I was a meth addict and the devil had me in his fingers and lied to me every day and I believed him.Jesus has delivered me and my husband from 13 yrs of addiction and lies.I praise merciful God that he allowed us to live long enough to be saved by his love.We have been free from that death for 3 yrs.PRAISE BE TO GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!He saved us from hell!!
ReplyDeleteI remember reading a story about an 8 year-old boy who was afraid of Hell. His mother listened to his concerns and replied "Remember, my son, Hell is a place where sinners go. Avoid sin and you will have no danger of going there."
DeleteWell put, I must say. Don't worry. Love and have great trust in the good God...
I fear purgatory also. It is not that I directly seem publicly like I have done things but rather many vocations in life I may have missed and oppurtunities like daily mass or charity that I have missed. I am very religious but also very earthly. I take advantage of the sacraments and the first Friday promise but have to remind myself that if I go to purgatory it is me choosing to do wrong that put me there. My biggest thing is to make sure if I die that people pray for me. I am worried people will say "oh, that Michael was a saint" when I am surely not a saint. People think I am the most gracious person in the world but I am not. I have my failings and Christ is all I have to save me.
DeleteI would much rather make it to heaven but if i only get to purgatory I am still happy because I know at some point I will be in heaven....... Mother Angelica says hope for heaven settle for purgatory.
ReplyDeleteI understand exactly what you have said. I, too, have been fearful of purgatory. I understand that the "last penny must be paid" before we enjoy the beautific vision of our Father!
Was it in her diary that it was said that more people go to hell than to Heaven?
ReplyDeleteMany years before I even heard of St.Faustina and her visions, I heard a radio programme describing how a group of scientists tried to dig into the earth to get out to the other side through the centre of the earth.
ReplyDeleteBut many thousand feet into the earth, they heard very eerie sounds coming from below so much so that they packed up and abandoned the project. Several of the scientists came to believe that there is a hell.
Now that St.Faustina has written about what she saw, we should have no doubt that there is an afterlife but the way there depends on which of the two roads we tread.
May God strengthen my faith and may I never wander astray from the narrow path.
Yes I read about the scientists drilling in Siberia. They heard frightening screams & yelling & think one of them taped it. They refused to work there & reported the matter to the Soviets who bribed them to keep quiet about it. However one scientist just could'nt keep it to himself and revealed the facts to the outside world. Naturally the Soviets are atheists so proof of the existence of hell will only show how foolish they are !!!!
Deletei believe that sr, faustinas visions of an immediate afterlife were false/.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine collapsed some years ago with heart failure and he was brought back to life later by paramedics. his heart had stopped beating and no pulse.
He later said that he felt his brain die and that it was the end the end of his personal existence and he didnt go anywhere he said to a hell or a heaven. The only way we can have an afterlife after death is through a resurrection , a resurrection of the body our body where we be remade again. Scientists have also recently said that near death experiences wher people go down tunnels etc are not real and their brain has not fully died during those experiences. It is hallucination due to carbon dioxide in the blood.
Do not be deceived. The dead are asleep. Only a bodily resurrection can give us an afterlife.
You're not making a correct distinction between the soul and the body. Your body is "asleep," as you put it in your response. The soul, once the body dies, is unfettered due to its spiritual nature and undergoes the Particular Judgment by Christ. There its eternal destiny is decided, whether in Hell for mortal sins or in Heaven for having lived a just life. Purgatory is temporary if that soul is saved by God yet needs to remove the rust of sin, as I've heard it described.
DeleteThe souls in Heaven are waiting to be reunited with their bodies after the Last Judgment. They enjoy the Beatific Vision of God once they are admitted into Heaven, and the reunion with their physical bodies will add to their degree of happiness, since the body will now be able to enjoy God through the senses.
that is your choice, but be ready to face the consequences afterlife as what St. Faustina has described in her diary. I'll pray for you, that you will encounter God, for your soul to be saved . We all need to pray for God's mercy to flow down to every soul who were misguided by the lies of the devil. And pray that these souls wil be saved, and will enjoy the everlasting beautiful life He has promised us. May God be praised!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf God says there is a Heaven and there is Sheol (hell) I believe Him. I have led a wretched life, committed adultery against my husband and children, unforgiving and harsh toward those who are closest to me and my husband who tolerated all. I want to avoid hell and I am determined to change for I rather suffer here than for eternity. Help me O God! I need you for I have deny you when I sinned against those who loves me..
ReplyDeletePurgatory is not real! this false saint made up all this crap! Christ Jesus didnt show her any of this. please read 2nd Corithinans 5:6. it tells us that when we are absent from the body we are present with the Lord! that means theres no Detour. for we live with God now, and forever, nothing will seperate us from him ( Romans 8:35). The blood of Jesus purifies all of our sins ( 1 John 1:7) =) not only that but God wont count any sins against us or remember them when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour (Hebrews 10: 16-17) there is no Purgatory its not in the bible and goes against all the truth from God. dont Take the Glory away from Christ. Nothing can take away sin Accept the Shedding of blood from God in Flesh. There is no Purgatory 2nd Cornith. 5
ReplyDeleteWell, actually it was in the original Bible, until Fr. Martin Luther decided to get rid of those books in the Old Testament that made direct reference to it. The Second Book of Maccabees comes to mind.
DeleteSo it may not be in your Bible, but it was in there for 15 centuries in the original Bible. So 15 centuries of Christians believed in it. St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, asked her son that after she died to 'remember her at the altar.' Even she knew that she needed the prayers of the Communion of Saints in case she had to undergo any temporal punishment due to her personal sins in Purgatory.
Of course there is a purgatory, the Bible says so.
DeleteJesus opened the gates of Heaven for us but Heaven has to be merited.
Don't forget the justice of God.
I see that your post is from three years ago but I wanted to clarify something. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 says:
Delete6 Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. 7 For we live by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
It says "would prefer" to be at home with the Lord.
That is the sad thing about the Protestant Bible . . . it does not have all the books that were written. That is why they do not understand confession (when Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter "whoever sins you forgive are forgiven and whoever you retained are retained", Holy Communion, etc. We pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us to the truth. The leader in the Episcopal church broke away from the Catholic church because he wanted a divorce and remarry. It was created to fit his will and not God's will and then other religions came forth.
DeleteHas anyone read or know about Mary K. Baxter? She testified that Jesus took her to hell and heaven as well. I was trying to compare the differences between the two. The hell and heaven description of St. Faustina and Mary K. Baxter's are almost the same. I also check what other say about this. Some believes, others don't. I do really believe that this is from the Lord. It's a warning before it's too late. In deed God loves us all. I do also believe that it doesn't mean we claim ourselves Christians and read the bible, we will go to heaven. What matters most is the content of our heart. Do we say we love Jesus by our mouth, or by our heart? If we know Jesus by heart, we know His ways. If we do believe Jesus' salvation, repentance follows. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is present as the grace of Jesus has been received. It won't be easy but in the end, eternal life awaits. As Paul say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7)." All glory and praises for our Lord Jesus Christ!
ReplyDeleteJesus (Period)
ReplyDeleteJesus is on his period? ewwwwww
DeleteThis is the most Ignorant comments ever read!!!
DeleteI will pray for you dear!
References to Purgatory were in the Bible for 15 centuries until Martin Luther decided they made him too uncomfortable, so he tossed out the books that mentioned it. The Second Book of Maccabees refers to an intermediary place of purgation. A number of other books accepted by Christianity for all those centuries were thrown out as well. Hence the 66 books in the protestant Bible and the 73 in the Catholic Bible.
ReplyDeleteLuther also wanted to get rid of the Epistle of St. James, which he referred to as "....an Epistle of straw." Luther was an incontinent Augustinian monk who suffered from scruples, among other things. His writings, called Luther's Letters, are so fowl that they would besmirch this site by reproducing them.
There are quite a few references to hell in the bible, story of Lazarus for one.
ReplyDeleteJesus referred to hell several times in Scripture. Recall in St. Faustina's description that the worse suffering would befall those who do not believe in hell. Once must repent of sin until the Holy Spirit tells us we are done, must reconcile and must convert their lives with the intention of sinning no more. One must deny themselves and surrender their lives in obedience to God's Will as the Lord taught in the Our Father. Once cannot enter heaven unless one is perfected. If one dies in a state of mortal sin, which is most of the world since there is little sincere repentence, one will perish. Jesus will judge all when we die and those who do not believe in anything but immediate entry into heaven will be in for a terrible awakening. No one believes a merciful Jesus would do this but the Lord forgives and is merciful to those who repent and change their lives. Its not an easy road, but very narrow and rocky.
ReplyDeletethank you Lord Jesus for being sooo kind and merciful to us.If we truly love the Lord,all of us must begin to share these realities to others.let's not wait anymore for our church leaders to act on this for they,too,are full of responsibilities.all of us are commanded by God to spread this truth.have mercy on us Lord Jesus
ReplyDeleteThank You My Father in Heaven for doing everything possible to save Souls!
ReplyDeleteThank You My Lord Jesus Christ for giving Us Sister Faustina's testimony on the reality of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell!
Everyone - Please Pray the Holy Rosary daily, as Our Blessed Mother has asked each and every one of us,for the Salvation of Souls and Peace in Our Times.
In Christ Jesus - this is Jamie from Montclair, New Jersey.
I think the sayings of Jesus which may point to
ReplyDeletepurgatory are "you will be handed over to the torturers and will not get out until you
have paid the last penny" so does mean we get
out of somewhere.
Plus a certain sin of blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit "you will not be forgiven in this world
or the next" does this mean there could be forgiveness in the next world if we don't commit this sin - say in the 1000 year millenium ?
I am not 100% sure of their meaning but they are from Jesus himself. They may just apply
to believing Christians though.
I would like to believe in purgatory though since it would mean a second chance for some.
As I told my daughter a fallen away Catholic when she said she was just going to heaven when she died because Jesus died for our sins. I answered her she was right but she would be paying in purgatory for the sins she committed. You can't believe you can do what you want while on earth then just forget about them and go to paradise when you die.
DeleteTHAT is what you told your daughter as she lay dying on her deathbed? That's the sickest thing I've ever heard.
DeleteDear, the lady told her daughter the TRUTH!!! She didn't say her daughter was on her feathbed.
DeleteRe-read the reply...we all make mistakes...yours was big.
Sorry...meant deathbed
DeleteAlthough I agree that one shall be punished and cleansed of their venial sins in Purgatory, remember Purgatory is not a place offered to those who have unrepented sins of grave nature (mortal sins). We're talking about sins like using the Lord's name in vain, receiving the Eucharist while not in a state of sanctified grace, fornication, Catholics divorcing and remarrying without annulment (which is adultery unless they live as brother and sister). If you die without sanctified grace (i.e. in a state of mortal sin) you cannot go to heaven, even through Purgatory. That is why everyone should go to Confession frequently, especially after committing grave sin. Nobody knows when their time will come, so retain the sanctified grace at all times. I will pray for your daughter's complete return to the one true, holy and apostolic Church.
DeleteThat is why it is called the King James VERSION of the Bible.Because the Protestants threw out many of the books they did not like and rewrote the Bible to suit themselves. I notice that people who profess not to believe in Purgatory pray for people who have died. Why?
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church is the only Faith not founded by a mere human being. There many Judases in the Church, but they cannot never negate its authenticity. The Catholic Church is the very mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit.
Deletewell regardless of what is the true faith we all ought remember who the saviour is and what He has done for all of us. regardless if there is a purgatory or not we should all be striving to reach heaven. not one of us are worthy of Gods grace yet with His mercy he bestows this upon us. It requires us to just remit and confess our sins to Him with a sincere heart, to change our sinful ways (easier said than done) and to live our lives. to Love God our Father with whole heart, body and soul and to love our neighbors, pray for our enemies. We need not worry about where we go but rather whom we serve, who we give glory to, who is first in our lives then justice and the rest will always fall into place
ReplyDeleteDear Jesus, thank you for making your wishes known through Saint Faustina.
ReplyDeleteAlita, thank you for the Prayer:
Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the Divine Mercy Chaplet a very powerful prayer w/c You Yourself have given to sis. Faustina, in a vision in 1935, the Lord revealed a powerful prayer that he wanted everyone to say- THE CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY-W/C He promised extraordinary graces to those who would recite it:
I say the chaplet every night but I don't say the 9 days of special novena prayers. I understand that has to start on Good Friday till Mercy Sunday. Am I wrong ? Should I be saying the novena prayer each night also ?
DeleteI said the novena starting on Good Friday it ended on Holy Saturday. I say the chaplet every night. Its short and you feel better after saying it. Also love the Hail Holy Queen.
DeleteThe chaplet of mercy came into my life when I was undergoing a very difficult time. It saved my life from being in total despair and hopelessness .GOD yes GOD sent people into my life to help me and by the graces they surely did . THE RIGHT PEOPLE AT THE RIGHT TIME CAME INTO MY HOME AND RESTORED ME BACK TO GODS DIVINE MERCY . I'M VERY CALM AND HAPPY TODAY KNOWING THAT GOD IS ALWAYS THERE FOR US ALL.AND HIS DIVINE MERCY CANNOT BE MEASURED IN OUR MINDS. I MISS MY MOM AND DAD AND SISTER MICHELE,BUT KNOWING SOMEDAY WE SHALL AND WILL BE TOGETHER AGAIN. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL
DeleteI am so confused...
I love reading rubbish like the one in the URL that you pointed out. Do you notice that nobody who ever writes against the eternity of Hell ever has a problem with the eternity of Heaven? Oh no, don't talk to us about the eternal bad stuff; we just want to hear about the eternal good stuff. Right.
DeleteIf Hell is not eternal, then what does God do with Satan and his followers? Where do they go, Club Med? There is one thing that is necessary to forgive sin, and that's repentance. You have to feel sorrow and compunction for having offended such a good and loving God. Hell is eternal because the souls who die in unrepentant sin have no sorrow. They become, as it were, HARDENED in sin. Since they will never turn from evil for all eternity, then logically their punishment will last for all eternity.
In the Book of Revelation, St. John said that "...The smoke of their torment will rise up forever and ever." Um, that's a pretty good description of the duration of Hell...
I am an ex satanist who thankfully received the grace to return to God and the Catholic Church,
ReplyDeletewhen, as a satanist, I offered my soul to the devil, it was as if a hundred dogs were howling all around me, I will never forget that night, I know that St Faustina speaks the truth, the devils are real and there are millions of them like dogs on a leash, step too close and you will get bitten, as I have been.
Good for you, Constantine. It's neat to see how you have reclaimed the throne in Paradise that God created just for you.
DeletePlease pray for me and I'll remember you at Mass in the morning.
God bless you Constantine always and forever. He is surely smiling down on you as the father in the story of the Prodigal Son who came back home..
DeleteThe chaplet of Divine Mercy is easy to recite and should be said daily, how merciful is the Sacred Heart just waiting for us to ask for His Mercy with fasting and penance.
ReplyDeleteMay the whole world burn with love for Jesus.
faustina was a liar as were the children of fatima and john bosco
ReplyDeleteHail SLAYER the gods of metal
ReplyDeleteConstantine my friend go back to SATANISM!!! Hail The Horned KING!!! What has the nazerene jebus ever done for the people? Fuck all!!! That Alita is a big cow, on here leavin comments like that when not so long ago she was shaggin the boys!!! Eh, I mean like the full mob!!!
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note big Alita gave good head but how is the god(note lower case) you worship good, merciful and loving, I mean obviously you Fuckers have read the bible, how many Cunts did he murder in cold blood, plus why does he not reveal himself now, why did he only do it thousands of years ago to a team of shepherds?
ReplyDeleteVIVA GESU!! VIVA MARIA!! satan, be gone forever!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the end, the saints both named and not named WILL win - in the Name of Jesus Christ King of Heaven and Earth. There is the mysterious joy of reading Revelation. At this precarious time in the history of the world, I for one am finally learning to find joy in suffering. Not the media, not foul mouthed expletives, not fake "Catholic" politicians, not the lies of the evil one will change one iota of God's truth. What one believes or does not belieive will not alter the truth. St. Faustina, please pray for us.
ReplyDeleteThe end is not far away - people like Slaytan are proof that the deceptions of evil have infiltrated the minds of the weak and angry - may God (note upper case) fill you with wisdom and love, or have mercy on your soul when you meet your end.
ReplyDeleteSlaytan, why so angry. Are you afraid of the truth?
Delete"angle of common sense" you call yourself a Christian? How Un-Christlike; You Speak!!
Deletei believe in heaven and hell.i've had experiences with the spirit world also.GOD has shown me heaven and hell and things that are soon to come.he told me we will see things that are soon to come,,,then he will come!people JESUS is soon to return,,,,please be ready.
ReplyDeleteOur Good God wins. Always.
ReplyDeleteYour call to join Him is now. You are never guaranteed a tomorrow.
The surest path to God is through Mary.
ReplyDeleteI want to love Jesus with the heart of His Own mother.
Can you do any better?
Wake up to the reality of eternal damnation, and you'll most probably wake up one day in eternal bliss in heaven...
ReplyDeleteit is God that we love, it is God that we serve, it is God who created us and
ReplyDeletegave us a relationship with Him... it is God who loves us.. we do not know
who among us is destined for hell... they only destine themselves... I never
question hell... how dare I compare my intellect with that of my Creator?
He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the First and the Last, He is the
Beginning and the End.. He suffered and died for us so that we may be
saved but He has also given us a dangerous gift... free will, otherwise we
would be like robots.. hence, we can accept Him or reject HIm
Thank you for this post, it has been a great comfort for me.
ReplyDeletewell they say what you believe is what you create good luck you hell believers coz i dont buy this.. I cant see how you claim this good to be merciful. burning in hell for eternity and you call that merciful are u serious.. you are all just brain washed and murderess.. when you die you will all create this experience.. I used to believe in this religion before I came out of the box and questioned a few thingsthat didn't make sense to me... sheepeople wake up time will past and you will have wasted a great experience. look around you god is love, the universe is love hell doesnt exsist. and plus god is the create of everything so he hs created good and evil
ReplyDeleteYes, He created good and evil but also created
ReplyDeleteFREE WILL! You have to decide for God.
When I went to Medjugorje, I did not believe in God at the time as I had been seduced by science in college. Praise the Lord I saw the light and came back to Him. Since that time, like everyone else, we are constantly combated by Satan and his demons who mask themselves, and are grabbing the young into their clutches. Sure, its a tough road sometimes but that's life and you know what..when you have hope..hope of eternal happiness..you'll be glad you did. Better than to believe in heaven than lived your life like there wasnt!!!(think about it)
Satanist know and believe in God. Why can`t we? John B
ReplyDeletei pray that what st. faustina claimed is the very truth, i have been a satanist for many years, gave my soul to the beast under 20 times with pacts, im 48 now, and i have a practicing catholic brother, whom helped me out of the clutches of the devil, my only hope is to be able to stay with jesus christ and god and mary, i no longer wish to destroy my spiritual life, enough mess have been done for me. amen.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible tells me Who wins at the end. So why side with those who attack the Church.
ReplyDeleteGod alone. Forever.
Conquer evil by doing Good! God = Love Love is the only possession that we can take out of this world when we die. We all will die, Jesus was sent here to let us know that we can be resurrected to eternal life, as he was.
ReplyDeleteGod was sittin' up in his palace in heaven one day thinking "I am so angry with these pesky humans but rather than send them all to this place of eternal torture and suffering that I, an all loving and merciful god(note lower case) have created, while being sinless myself(yet still managing to create such a VILE and EVIL place?) I will send myself to earth in human form, claim to be my own son and have them cricify me(I am god so probably would not feel any pain if this event actually took place)then I shall be satisfied and let them in to heaven(I am quite sure I as a human would be loved and revered if I had people murder my child to wipe the slate clean of THEIR sins)only if they use their free will to do exactly as I say! Yes, I am no longer the jelous vengeful god of the old testament, I love all men except those Cunts who do not bow before me and do exactly as I have instructed. jeebus is love!" Yeah this makes sense!
ReplyDeleteMy Sky TV has just started to play up, could it be divine retribution? Watchin' Fuckin Family Guy too!
ReplyDeleteIts all good now just changed the channel to SCUZZ, SLAYER "Seasons In The Abyss" is on, no more technical problems now, SATAN RULES SUPREME ONCE AGAIN!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMany Christians are familiar with Sister Faustina's diary. Her accounts are very similar to the visionaries of Medjugorje about heaven, purgatory, and hell. Indeed, these places exist. We must be good and pray for those in need.
ReplyDeleteI am a Christian and I believe what the Scriptures tell us about good and evil in the world; about free will which allow us to choose.
ReplyDeleteI think that I fear God more than I love Him and reading the vision that was given to Saint Faustina reinforces my fear. How can a good God, who created Hell for the rebellious angels, we are told,allow any human, whatever their evil deeds and sins on Earth,to be cast into Hell for eternity? We can't comprehend eternity but to think that any of our fellow human beings, including the worst genocidal degenerates we can think of must spend forever suffering in Hell I have a problem understanding that my God loves all His Creation.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePeople CHOOSE hell, God does not put them there. If you don't want to be with God, then hell is where you will go. It is not hard to believe that if you pray, you are POSITIVE of saving your soul, if you do not pray, you are just as POSITIVE of losing your soul.
ReplyDeleteyou people are dumbly brainwashed by a monster hello? is any one home? he created satan who is nothing but pure evil
DeleteIt's nice to know I'm not the only one here who isn't totally braindead!
DeleteSlaytan pities you and your boring life and severe lack of intellect!
ReplyDeleteWhat a pity,your soul is claimed by satan.What dirty words are coming out of you.even if you want to canvas for satan you should show that you are acceptable.Even satan does this. I pray to God for your soul.
ReplyDeleteThey choose to be burn in in hell! God show them the way ,the right and wrong path.Make your choice!!! God did not create satan , he was an angel of light because of his jealousy to God he became satan! Its his choice!!!
ReplyDeleteSt. Michael the Archangel said, " Who is like unto God? I will serve HIM!!!".He then chase lucifer or satan the old serpent out of Heaven. Hell was created by their own vile dids.
ReplyDeleteyes but the only truth is
I long to go to heaven and see God but the narrow path is so hard and sometimes when I fall it's so hard to get back up. Thank God for the divine Mercy Chaplet. May he give every one of us the grace to enter into his divine Kindom!
ReplyDeleteI'm a catholic and I'm trying to get to Heaven but sometimes it's very hard.I'm asking all of you who believe to please pray for me and those poor souls who don't follow God.If any of you have read the "Lord of the Rings" and the "Chronicles of Narnia" books and seen the movies I'm sure they have/will help you to understand some things about God.God bless!
ReplyDeleteDevelop a deep devotion to Our Lady. She will help make your journey to Her Son a little easier.
DeleteI'll pray for you at Mass tomorrow. Keep the Faith!
satan know iT got hardly any time left before the last days of mankind.So iT is busy to sin maximum people and angry that more and more people are identifying iT and follow Jesus
ReplyDeleteWith no disrespect for any religion intended, but only honest inquiry, how could a loving God subject his own created beings, his own children, to eternal torture? Even, I, a far from perfect being, could not do that, would not. If I am the creator, ultimately I am responsible for the defects of my creation. If this revelation is true, the revelation that is needed even more is the answer to the question WHY such a terrible thing is necessary.
ReplyDeleteDon't assume that God will allow sinners to burn in hell forever. Read John 3:16 and Romans 6:23. You will read that eternal life is a GIFT granted to the saved in heaven, and the consequences of sin is DEATH, not eternal punishment. Sinners will suffer, then eventually and mercifully die in hell for rejecting God. When the judgment is entered, it cannot be overturned. So the punishment, not the punishing, lasts forever.
DeleteThe Creator does not make mistakes or have defects, nor does He subject his children to torture. Anyone who goes to hell chooses to do so him/herself. The Creator has invited all into his Kingdom and has given his only Son - the way, the light and the truth - as well as the gift of free will to decide for ourselves our own future. It is not for you or I to question why the Creator does or commands anything. But you'll receive the answers to all your questions, with full understanding, if you eschew pride, don't put God to the test and give in fully to our Lord and Savior.
DeleteYour question is a fair one. I can't understand how a creator could create such a place or why, either. But you have to remember that we are not God. There is no way our minds can come close to grasping the whys. I think answers will surely be found on the other side. Hell was created for the fallen angels, not us, though the angels are God's creation, also. My personal thought on this is that hell is a place provided by God, but the evil that is there is all to do with Lucifer and the demons. Unfortunate souls who find themselves there will be subject to neverending, diabolical torture, not suffering at God's hands. My big question is to do with heaven (regarding hell). I wonder how heaven can be so blissful when say, perhaps, one or more of your friends or loved ones are in hell. Wouldn't that be a source of suffering in heaven? Wouldn't suffering the loss of dear ones cause eternal sadness in heaven, too, to be fully aware of eternal damnation of those you used to know and love?
ReplyDeleteYou're speaking about the loss of a loved one from an earthly perspective, not a heavenly one. The souls of the blessed are so united with God in heaven that their wills only want what God wants. They love everyone insofar as God loves them. If a family member is lost and a mother or father is in heaven, they will not be saddened in the least, since sorrow has no place in God's kingdom. They will see the perfect justice of the condemned and praise God for it.
DeleteHell is the absence of God, who is the source of all that is good. Since souls are eternal, being divorced from all good is terrible. God divorces those who do not reciprocate His love. He certainly cannot be "just friends" and if a soul will not love Him He will give the soul what it wants: separation from Him.
ReplyDeleteThat is how I see it.
The comments of those who worship satan, who are still with it (satan) is a testmony of God's existance! Again satan has lost another battle here!!! If only they had kept quiet, who knows, we could have doubted slightly (maybe) what Sister Faustina wrote about Heaven & Hell !!! PRAISE GOD !!! satan leads a team of careless souls!!! they sell out satan's tricks through stupid calculations!!! AMEN GOD IS GREAT!!! +
ReplyDeleteThis is very touching but at the same time Formidulosus.
ReplyDeleteEt requiem tibi Deus quot modis fieri potest.
ReplyDeleteAs a born again Christian I know the difference to what I was like before to what I am like now. I thought I was a good person before but there is no comparison the Spirit of Christ is the only way to Heaven. I totally believe Sister Faustina because of an experience I had after telling another Christian I did not believe in the Devil. I was so wrong.
ReplyDeleteGod has given all human beings free will! we can choose either life or death. purgatory exists because of God's mercy! is there any one among us who can say they are perfect in God's eyes?
ReplyDeletepurgatory is a place where souls can be purified because God is all pure and we must be pure before we can see him! it is a place of hope and i cannot find the words to thank Jesus for the mercy he has bestowed on ungrateful, sinful mankind!
i am a sinner and i prostrate myself before God and i put my trust in God's mercy! Jesus told st. Faustina that if you place your trust in him and pray the chaplet of divine mercy, you will be saved!
we are all sinners but we can be saved if we only try to pray and be good! God knows all our weaknesses and he will not abandon us! i urge all christians to pray the chaplet of divine mercy and have a devotion to the blessed virgin mary! say three hail mary's and at the end of each one, add "o my mother preserve me from mortal sin during this day" in the morning and "o my mother preserve me from mortal sin during this night" in the evening!
we must continue to pray for the conversion of sinners! may the sacred heart of jesus and the immaculate heart of mary triumph forever!
Jesus I Trust In You!
We can only achieve holiness and grace with God's help we cannot do it by ourselves, all Love comes from God and we can only reach God through Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other way.
ReplyDeleteHis death on the Cross was to show us we must die to our sinful ways and be reborn in His Spirit. Ask Christ to be saved.
Thanks for this...I always wanted to know about S.Faustina visions...I know they were true...and so were the visions of the children in Fatima,Don Bosco and many others from other pios people...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately,there are many so called 'visions' of heaven and hell by some of the prophets of the abundant cults nowadays that,are deceiving and misleading...
I believe in God,The Father,The Son,and,The Holy Spirit and also and only,in the Holy Catholic Church...
As Isaiah said,
ReplyDeleteIs 55:8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the LORD.
55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.
We call God our Father...but we do not realize that God will test us and if we fail, everlasting fire. So all of you who can't understand this, it's because you are using a human way to describe God the Father. Where in fact, He is not like an earthly father. Would an earthly father test is children? No. Even if an earthly father would test them, the punishment would not be death. The problem is this, sin hardens the heart and makes a shipwreck of faith. Fail the test by playing the hypocrite, you will be given a similar spirit as Saul and deny that Hell exists. You will be given a spirit as stubborn as Pharaoh. Worry if you have lost a holy fear of God. Ask yourself, are you walking with the Lord on the narrow rocky road? Or are you living like "eat, drink and make merry" and not worry about tomorrow?
Pray for those who do not know God or have turned away from Him.
ReplyDeletePetty On Those who Think Themselves That They Are From Apes And There Is No GOD . fool Says in His Heart there is No GOD . We Pray For Them To Know Him !!! .
ReplyDeleteReplying to blog above. We are all being tested. And if you rebel against the test, then you will be cursing God for eternity.
ReplyDeleteIf you reject Allah and what Muhammed says you will be cursing God for eternity
DeleteGod is Love and it is our choice if we want to follow him. Heaven is a place for those who have accepted His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and are baptised in the Holy Spirit ( a real experience, experienced by thousands, fact, bringing to life the presence of God in our lives, truth). When we accept Christ we gain the Love and protection of God walking with us everyday. Without God we go our own way, do things the wrong way and then blame God when our lives go wrong. God is waiting for you to want Him, so that with your own freewill you invite Him to live in your heart, it is your choice. Like children to have to learn, sometimes the hard way, accept Jesus today it will be will mind blowing, promise.
ReplyDeleteWhile reading St Faustina's visions and all of the replies; when suddendly a picture of my deceased husband in a monent of pure love and joy playing with our wonderful granddaughter, who we considered a true gift from GOD appeared on my screen! GOD IS SO GO GOOD! I just burst out in tears of happiness!
ReplyDeleteWhy are people so taken back that there is a hell? Jesus speaks about hell in all 4 gospels. People state how a loving God could throw people into hell. God is Love and Justice. Don't forget Justice!
DeleteEternity offers two destinations, Heaven or Hell. Our choice, do things God's way or go our own way. If we do not change and accept Christ how can we go to Heaven ? Heaven wouldn't be Heaven it would be earth or worst like Hell. In Heaven we our like God in spirit so we have to, through freewill, accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour with all our heart to experience the Holy Spirit coming into our hearts and we can experience Heaven on earth We then have direct contact with God. "No one can come to the Father except through the Son"
ReplyDeleteThere is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet
DeleteThe very existence of good and evil; of satanists and believers and of demons and angels are infallible proof that there is God and god wannabe like Lucifer. Oh how I hate this Lucifer!!!! I pray unceasingly for the day God put him in chains and throw him down the pit along with all his human and non-human followers to never trouble us ever again.
ReplyDeleteOur Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!
After reading all the posts, I noticed something very interesting, something that speaks for itself: posts from Christians are positive, loving, grateful and thankful. Posts from followers of the Evil One are mean, dispiriting, angry and hateful. What does that tell the reader?
ReplyDeleteIt says that we all need prayers...especially the non-Christians and followers of the evil one, and atheists, too!
DeleteThe visions are vague not like many others who have written or spoken about theirs. Somewhat reminds me of the Secrets of Fatima which is still in dispute.
ReplyDeleteThere is definitely a Higher Being and God. I found this blog by happenstance, and feel it is my heavenly duty to respond to it. I have read what the satanists have to say. They contradict themselves. They say on one hand that there is no God, yet they believe in Satan who combats God on a daily basis. You can't it both ways guys! The Devil is real and he is the univeral con man. He "conned" many of you to "sell" your soul to him with dire consequences. You cannot "sell" your soul to him as it has already been bought and paid for by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ! He conned you into thinking you could sell your soul to him - all he did was enter into your life and make you miserable which is what he is famous for. On the contrary, the Lord of Heaven offers us eternal salvation, grace, mercy and his everlasting Love. My....what a simple choice! The Holy Roman Catholic Church is the authority and "is" the closest to God the Father on this planet. There are I believe 73 books in the Catholic bible and 66 in the Protestant bible. The Protestants have trouble with some "gray areas" such as Purgatory which were "in" the original bible. They like it black and white. But with God's belief in second chances and love, we all with his grace may be lucky enough to enter into his Almighty Kingdom.
ReplyDeleteI will also tell you a story. As a teenager, I was given a vision of heaven. It will be in my upcoming book so I won't spoil all of it. But suffice it to say we flew over heaven and I saw it! I was lying on my back in bed. I was age 18. I was going through some turmoil at the time and I think God wanted to "put on a show for me" and let me know he was frickin' REAL I suddenly heard a loud jet engine in my ears, as if a jet engine was being cranked up. I was then catapulted through the clouds. It felt as if I was on the nose of a Boeing 747 hurtling through the air. I was clutching the hand of someone next to me as I felt a presence nearby. It was "the old man" God to my left. He looked EXACTLY LIKE the Michelangelo painting you see in the Vatican, with the white flowing beard and the burgundy robe/cape. He did not utter a word to me but pointed down with his left hand as we were going like Mach One through the heavenly clouds! I looked down and I saw tens of thousands of people cloaked in roman togas walking up a mountain hill all talking and conversing with each other and having a good time while they were glorifying God the Almighty. This was a large trail actually (not narrow) but it snaked around a larger mountain - on that mountain as we were flying over I saw Jesus in a white robe - everyone was also wearing white toga style robes. Jesus had his arms outstretched much like the monument you see on top of the mountain in Brazil near Rio De Janeiro. People were lined up to meet him and to get their life review. It was beautiful, peaceful, the rising sun, and clear skies as we flew over. Then I saw more clouds and the jet engines in my brain slowed down like you are on a plane at the airport when the pilot shuts off the engine valve and they grind slowly down while on the tarmac. This "is" what I experienced! It was not a dream as I was fully conscious and it was very real and I still "see it" in my head today very clearly. It was a heavenly vision and this is the first time I have written about it on the internet. I will elaborate more in a book I am writing about this and other experiences.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you of the Lifelong battles I have had to endure. My parents were freemasons and I for one did not accept it. I along with my brothers and sisters had a hard childhood but God rescued me from it. I went to engineering school and also was estranged from first my father who cursed me. I lost my first wife in 94 and then when I remarried I was estranged from my mother. I have endured many accidents and "bad luck". My second wife has been tormented by evil sprits for more than 13 years now. We have been to exorcists and yes we both turned to God even more once we realized the true source of he problems. We have suffered preternatural events as well. We pray everyday but the battle goes on. I can tell you for a fact that evil exists and the things it can do are well incredibly evil. read hostage to the devil by Malachi or the book by father Amorth. We are Russian Orthodox and very devout and I know we are in the last days and decision time is soon. Hell is very real I can assure you. Many will laugh at what I have written and say it is delusion. well delusion does not move objects on their own or pick up you and throw you down stairs and other such things. This is an example of demonic oppression not possession likely from the freemason practices my parents engaged in and he satanic worship. I am sure I would not have these problems if I rejected God. I would be on the path of flowers she mentions.... Decide now to follow the way the truth and the Life Jesus the begotten Son of God who paid the price of our iniquity. research it and you finds science points to God. The star of Bethlehem was found . Google for it and watch the videos. watch the William Lane Craig debates on the Existence of God. Have an open mind. Think about the alternative...
ReplyDeleteI lost my job and income and would like more sales growth for all of my books at www.lulu.com/spotlight/nessa212 and also my poetry blog at www.poeticous.com/janessa-jordan thank you and have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteUr in the wrong app. However, hope u have a job now.
DeleteHell is real I've seen it 3 times in a row in my dream and what she saw was true its not a good place you can believe me or not but its real
ReplyDeleteThere is no purgatory. Christ desended after death and freed all those who were in Abraham's bosom or paridise. Now at death we either go to heaven or hell and wait for the White Throne judgement or the judgement of Christ for the saint's reward. I'm sorry to inform you all of this, but Mary is in heaven waiting for the judgement seat of Christ as are all saints. She cannot help you, only Christ can. He is the way, the truth, and life; no one goes to the Father accept through Him, Christ.
ReplyDeleteOh..there is purgatory...but you can go straight to Heaven..Just say the 7 passions of Jesus and the 7 sorrows of Mary..the prayers were given to St Bridget of Sweden! Those who say them for 12 years will get the 5 promises that Jesus gave to St Bridget...Mary has 7 promises...you can say one or the other or both...I say both...I can't imagine One without the Other :)...to order 630-968-5268 ♥♥♥
DeleteIf the person praying these prayers dies before the twelve years are over, Our Lord will accept them as having been prayed in their entirety. If a day or two is missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up later. Ps. The 1. Promise...The soul who prays them suffers no Purgatory! This came from Our Lord. So yep...there's a Purgatory alright!
DeleteFirst, anyone who has had a mystical experience. is altered towards their already established personal beliefs. EG: When St. Theresa relayed that she was shown the truth of the Holy Trinity, she would have had to known about the Trinity to recognize it as such. Once the experience ends, the mind processes it and recollection is not accurate. If these supernatural places exists, we as humans, have no vocabulary to describe such an experience. That does not mean we do not have the flair f/ the dramatic....but it is like "The Whisper Down The Lane." A secret is told to person # 1, then it goes to #2, by the time it reaches the end of the lane ..maybe #10...the story has changed. Even the original author will have new perceptions as time goes on and add/delete relevant info. That's the scientific side. If hell as described above resides on earth and there is an awful lot of ugly going on down here...why is there more of it. I did not ask to be here. Life is hard enough and humanity is left hanging & then between everything else, we have to worry about a vengeful God. Hell is not justice, it is ego. If it exists...it is a battle between Satan & God. God has a temper..it is not mercy or justice. If he threw his own Lucifer out of heaven, actually God had Archangel Michael do it, I have no chance of getting in to this heaven. It's been 2.000 years since we have seen any sign of God...the longest in history or the church holds onto scriptures we are unaware of. However, we have plenty of murder, war, disasters, rape, abuse of extreme measures...pretty much the same acts God performed in the Old Testament. If the Catholic Church would stop raping our kids and our wallets...maybe I could put faith in anything they declare.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a real nutcase
ReplyDeleteSt. Faustina pray for us Sinners Thomas weldon May 5 2014
DeleteSt. Faustina pray for us Sinners Thomas weldon May 5 2014
DeleteLike Sam Harris said,a God who will punish belief for not believing based on bad evidence
ReplyDeleteIn the twenty-first century, I'm astonished that people still believe this rubbish. It's time the human race grew up.
ReplyDeleteAt times I do wonder how many people who die actually go directly to heaven. We'll know at some future time. Until then, all I know is even though the world has gone crazy, God is still God, and still in charge of everything. My prayers get answered, and I pray to my God, not to a tree or any other object floating around the non-believers world. I really can hardly believe what some "Satanists" say/write! Peace.
ReplyDeleteOur Lady's Message of Mercy To The World ISBN 1-899177-08-6 ...She is going to win! ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteI just saw the time of my post for Her....She is definitely going to win! :)
ReplyDeleteHere is a critical analysis of the visions of heaven and hell from an eschatological point of view:
Santa Faustina Ruega por nosotros
ReplyDeleteTalk about a "seared conscience". The level of brain-washing among conservative Christians is truly shocking. It nauseates me every time I discuss the concept of Hell with a conservative Christian and must listen to his or her pathetic justifications for why it is just, fair, moral, and even good for a "loving Heavenly Father" to burn alive millions of human beings in his eternal torture pit. The same people who decry Muslim fundamentalist terrorists for burning alive their captives, turn around and justify their own God's thousands of years old habit of burning alive millions upon millions of people who dared to commit a "thought crime" against him.
ReplyDeleteConservative Christians will protest this characterization: "People don't go to Hell for thought crimes. They go to Hell for their evil sins against their Creator."
Really? Let's look at that:
General X is a brutal warlord. He has slaughtered innocent men, women, and children by the tens of thousands. He has raped and pillaged. He has committed genocide. However, on the day he is to be executed for his crimes against humanity, a Christian pastor comes to his jail cell and preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ to him. The general begins to cry, "I am so sorry for all the horrible things I have done. Please forgive me, Jesus. Please be my Lord and Savior." Five minutes later he is executed. Immediately upon his death, his soul ascends to heaven where he enjoys eternal happiness, peace, and untold riches with Jesus, the angels, and the other saints.
Mrs. Wong is your neighbor. She lives three houses down from you. The children on the block call her the "Nice Cookie Lady" as she is always very kind to them and always has a plate of cookies set out for them. She has been a volunteer in the local homeless shelter for more than 30 years, where she cooks, cleans filthy indigent clothing, and scrubs the toilets and floors...for no monetary compensation. She says she does it because she loves people and enjoys helping the needy. Mrs. Wong has heard the "gospel" story of Jesus many times, however, she prefers to retain her childhood belief system. Mrs. Wong is a Buddhist.
Mrs.Wong died last week, and at this very moment, is writhing in horrific agony in the flames of Hell...and she will continue to scream and writhe in horrific agony for all eternity.
Now, dear conservative Christian friend: Can you really tell me that the above scenario is just, fair, moral, and good? How can General X commit horrific crimes his entire life and still get into heaven at the last minute simply by a change in belief, but Mrs. Wong is going to be burned alive forever, despite her exemplary life of service and kindness to others, just because she made a mistake in which supernatural belief system to believe?
If the Christian concept of Hell is true, then we should all tremble in terror before the Christian God. But, to call it just, fair, moral, and good is simply delusional, friend. Let's be honest and call it what it is: Evil.
There are people who say stupid things out of sheer ignorance. I pray that Almighty God in His infinite mercy grant these poor souls the knowledge of the truth of the existence of God and the wonderful work His servants are doing. St Sr Faustina is a great example of what we all should be doing.
ReplyDeleteI am woken up every 3am ..saying d words Lord have mercy..Christ have mercy..Lord have mercy.... with the dream vission of the blessed sacrament and d most beautifull colours of red blue n white cumin out of it...
ReplyDeleteGod says to me...kneel down save my pple from sin..pray d divine mercy chaplet.... bring sinners back to me...
He says He died n mercy has flown out for redemption of sinners all over d world.
this hapens to me every night sharp at 3am..
hence i urge all who read this to pray Divine Mercy chaplet.
Thank you! We all need to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet!!!
DeleteEven Moses, for all the things he has done for God, wasn't allowed entrance in the Promise Land. Do you really believe everyone who says they visited heaven and hell even when they never died and got back? This sister is a good writer and can make a good story of it. It may just be her imagination. Not experience. What is a vision anyway? Every writer may claim vision. Or maybe hallucinating. Jesus already told you what heaven and hell is. Many has done their own of heaven and hell and earn from it very well even in our time. And many just wanted attention, publicity, acknowledgement and money. God is the only God. He is Awesome and Almighty. You don't need to look at any other saint, sister or Mary. Only God can do what He can. Saints and Mary can not hear you.
ReplyDeleteWhat authority do you have to make such ridiculous, sweeping statements? Your whole post should have stopped at "Only God can do what He can." But to imply that God cannot deliver angels or appear to whomever He wants, or speak to someone through the Holy Spirit just shows that it is you who co not believe that God can do what He can. To believe that He cannot send his Holy Mother to warn non-believers (such as yourself) of the coming End of Ages, Warning, Miracle and Three Days Darkness is laughable. You don't have to believe in apparitions, visions or locutions, but they all occurred in sacred Scripture and you're here to tell the world that God CAN'T perform them whenever He chooses to. I'll pray for you, and ask the Saints and Mary to pray for your eyes and ears to be opened - because they do hear and they are a wealth of help. Remember, Jesuw didn't give us a Bible (that would the Catholics with the help of the Holy Spirit), but he did give us a Church - the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church come later to be known as the Catholic Church. Peace!
DeleteIn February, 2002, I fainted in our kitchen. I still don't know why I fainted, since I was in good health at the time. It was a miracle that my head rested on the base of kitchen cabinets, and didn't hit the hard ceramic floor. I don't know how long I was out - perhaps only minutes. During that time, I was taken by someone to an enormous dark cave, where I stood on a large slab of black rock. I could look down through this endless cavern and saw multitudes of people being tortured by demons. The odor was awful - the smell of sulfur burning. There was a black lake with steam coming up from it. All of the people were naked, but during this experience, they seemed more like a huge flock of sheep. There was crying, sobbing and so much suffering. The man closest to me was being tortured by a demon who was a dark creature with a tail. The demon would heat up an iron and burn the man on his thigh. This would be repeated over and over. Finally, I covered my eyes and asked to be taken out of there. I said, "I've seen enough." After that, I awoke on the floor of my kitchen, feeling very dizzy, indeed. That was 14 years ago, but I can remember every detail of what happened today. It's real.
ReplyDeleteThere is a fleeting moment of time and space, which is between "here" and "there." This is the few seconds between sleep and awakening. Many who experience other-worldly visions and messages often tell of this portal.
ReplyDeleteA number of years ago, I was experiencing a great many difficulties resulting from the actions of people around me. On one such morning, I was given a vision of total blackness. From beyond, a small glimmer of light was seen. As the light came closer, it grew into a golden radiating light, which was oval in shape. From the center of the oval, the wooden Cross of Jesus came forth for me to see.
The Cross, which was in the 12:00 to 6:00 position (like a clock), began to tilt to the right. It kept tilting, until the top of the Cross was in the 4:00 position, and the bottom of the Cross was in the 10:00 position.
The wooden Cross, then changed into a gleaming metal Cross; then into a magnificent sword. The Words were spoken to me, "Use The Cross as your sword to fight all of your problems." I realized then, the power of The Cross of Jesus. It is the supreme shield against the forces of darkness and all evil.
"like a clock" - God's will be done. Our time is indeed shortening. We are now in a time of grace, supported by the prayers of those who seek His mercy. It is no coincidence that we are in the Year of Mercy. The fulfillment of the scriptures and the gospel of Saint John's Revelation is unfolding before our eyes; in this present time. Right has become wrong and wrong has become right in the eyes of man. So many souls will be lost. How saddened Our Lord must be that he cannot change God's plan. Even Our Lord knows not His time.
ReplyDeleteIf u find no heaven on earth, look deeper into your hear
ReplyDeletewww.bellofpeace||gede prama.org
If u find no heaven on earth, look deeper into your hear
ReplyDeletewww.bellofpeace||gede prama.org
I once some years ago now had an extraordinary dream like no other. I appeared to be standing on a bare surface like another planet only featureless and with enough light to see it covered in holes . As I walked I was expecting to fall down one at any moment and could sense a real fear of doing so. I was aware of a man with me so I asked him how deep the holes were and he replied " Nobody knows , the depths have never been plumbed . " I had a real sense of terror. Then I awoke. I have had a great concern for lost souls ever since.
ReplyDeleteHow can you people believe such blasphemy, this supposed saint wrote!
ReplyDeleteNice rebuttal. Chock full of facts.
DeleteI'll be happy to help you if we handle it one topic/question at a time. It's the least I can do to deprogram you from the whichever of the 30,000 Protestant teachings have been imposed upon you.
Superb post...
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The world needs Jesus' Mercy more than ever right now. People read Saint Faustyna's account of Heaven, hell, and Purgatory, and still do not amend their lives. Take unknown's comment. Calling her account blasphemy. We need to pray for such people, please put such people on your list of intentions.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you! Jesus, I Trust in you!
"O Blood and Water, gushing from the Heart of Jesus, as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You!" Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska. By invitation of God, and her own free will acceptance, she shared the passion of Christ by which sinners are saved, and the divine Justice becomes Mercy.
ReplyDeleteIf the love of God is the only source of eternal life, and God is not in Hell, how can there be life in Hell? Where would that life be coming from? As far as I know God didn't give anybody the power to be a source of eternal life...
ReplyDeleteWhy does the Bible say a thousand times that the consequence of sin is death and Jesus only talks about Hell in parables? Isn't it because sin is the rejection of God's love? How can we live in eternity without God's love?
If anybody can explain this to me I would really appreciate it.
In the 1940s the chosen one returned for vengeance against HIS murderers and tries to unite his WHITE CHRISTIAN believers into the ultimate war machine of God's justice. Unfortunately, the forces of Satan (represented by the most vile of nations) used their penchant for deceit and greed to stop the second coming of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST and allow the filthy nonbelievers control of this mortal coil. What's worse, is that these evil nations banded into a global network of corruption and treachery as they seek to prevent the 3rd attempt of Christ's return and eternal life giving retribution! Now they change the Greek word Ante (before) into Anti (against) to deceive the true nature of the Christ Gods that will continue to wage war in the wickedness of men. They gave the murderers their own country to pollute the minds of men. Oh woe is the WHITE CHRISTIAN! Praise Jesus and may his third coming purge the vermin and unite us WHITE CHRISTIAN CHILDREN against the relentless onslaught of "thought" "free will" "science" "reason" "logic" "progressive thinking" and "diversity" that threatens us true followers of blonde hair, blue eyed JESUS CHRIST! HAIL MARY! PRAISE GOD FOREVER!
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, A.H. tried to exterminate the wrong cult of religious nutters imo tbh.
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ReplyDeleteAs you are making a step on that, I likely wants to brief you, once you're initiated your life will turn around for good, because as a new member you will be given a sum of $2,000,000.00 and house in any country of your choice including also a car of your choice and other more. I know you might be wondering, what does it cost to be a member, but I tell you, REGISTRATION IS FREE because Illuminati is here to make you RICH, FAME AND POWERFUL
Oh yes, illuminati is real but been a member is something you go with the right connection, and that is why am here for you. I know, a lot has been said about illuminati but the truth still remains '' ILLUMINATI IS REAL '' and being a member is something you need to decide for yourself but to be initiated is the reason you need to follow my direction by contacting initiationlodgeofilluminati@gmail.com and can also WhatsApp +1 202 750 0111 for more details and registration.
ReplyDeleteAs you are making a step on that, I likely wants to brief you, once you're initiated your life will turn around for good, because as a new member you will be given a sum of $2,000,000.00 and house in any country of your choice including also a car of your choice and other more. I know you might be wondering, what does it cost to be a member, but I tell you, REGISTRATION IS FREE because Illuminati is here to make you RICH, FAME AND POWERFUL
o lord have mercy on us and all the whole world ...we trust in you lord jesus love you lord for what you have prepared for those who loves you....Amen
ReplyDeleteThank you God for St. Faustina and giving her The Chaplet of Mercy. I am but a lowly sinner. Through the Chaplet, sinners are given an abundance of mercy. We all need it. I pray for the Holy Souls and for sinners in the universe. I also pray that nonbelievers change their ways before it is too late and realize that heaven, hell, and purgatory are for real. I love you Lord. I love you St. Faustina. Pray for me.
ReplyDeleteIf identified with Catholicism, makes us look ridiculous, superstitious. This is nonsense!